David loves his job and feels blessed that he is able to work in a fun field, with fun patients and a fun staff. His 1 hour commute is not as much fun, but he looks forward to it as his “quiet time” where he can meditate and listen to self-help books. In his free time he has enjoyed golfing with his friends, late night basketball, a fishing trip to Alaska with his dad, and a work cruise with his wife.

Bri continues to be the energizer bunny, using what seems to be unending energy to take care of the kids, house, and husband and still find time to run or work out at the gym most days. And this year run a marathon and 200 mile relay and complete a triathalon and tough mudder just for fun.

Dallas 7 also seems to have the unending energy gene and loves to keep busy at all times. Whether it's authoring a series of comic books, playing pickup games of tackle football or reading anything and everything he can get his hands on, his is constantly on the go and engaged in something. He also played in a new league of soccer and learned that he is going to need to practice a lot to overcome being the youngest and smallest on the team. :)
Brooklyn 5 has loved school and is way ahead in her reading and writing skills. She loves to write random notes to the family and express her love and holiday cheer. She has also, at way too young of an age, become very aware of the need for matching clothes and lays out the next days outfit each night, and must comb her hair every morning before talking to anyone.

Lexi 4 is obsessed with purple and elephants. And Nixon. They are going to get married and she is going to miss him when he’s on his mission. According to her teacher, Nixon has to constantly battle for her as all of the boys in her class fight to sit next to her and offer her their snacks to win her love. She played soccer and finally scored her first goal on the very last game of the season. She has a sweet but spunky attitude, and couldn't care less about matching clothes, combed hair, or having her cowgirl boots on the right feet.

Ali 1 has grown a lot this year, learning to walk, talk and sneak peanut butter out of the pantry while dad was “watching” her. She loves dancing to music, cuddling, and randomly hitting you in the face when you least expect it. Being the 5th kid, she is very independant, getting her own bowls out of the cupboard, eating with a fork and spoon, and changing her own diaper (ok maybe not that last one). She is all smiles and loves to tell us “tay too” (thank you) for everything.

We look forward to a new year in 2013 and greet it with nervous excitement. A big upcoming life change for us will be Dave partnering with a practice in Tri-Cities WA. We are excited to get closer to family and friends but are going to severely miss those we have grown so close to here in Texas (and the 70 degree Decembers). Merry Christmas everyone and may you have a blessed new year.