I was quite opposed to getting a video game system because I feel like boys become addicted to it and stop wanting to do anything else (things I consider more worthwhile like playing outside, reading books, making things with legos, spending time with their wives, etc.). Well, I gave into all the men-big and small- in my life and conceded to let Dave's parents buy the family an xbox 360 for Christmas. There was a lot of rock band played by Dave and my brother over the Holidays and the boys really began to enjoy lego star wars, but it hasn't really been an issue at all since then. In part due to the fact that after Dallas broke the LCD tv in January they were grounded from playing. That grounding stayed in place until the big move in June where Dave hooked it up to the DVD player in our car and let them play as we drove cross country.
It's been hooked up in our basement and pretty much all they ever wanted to do is play it since we moved here. It drove me crazy They would moan and whine and throw fits if I asked them to do anything that would interupt their precious xbox playing. Well, I was about ready to do my own throwing (of the xbox in the trash), but Dave helped us come up with a better plan where we use the xbox for incentive to get other things done. The boys now earn "xbox" time by doing chores, practicing reading and writing. etc. That has been working out well and I love that they are doing more constructive things in addition to playing a lot less xbox.
However, now I love the xbox (and brooklyn) and here is why:
Last week Brooklyn had a few successful day after day potty trips on her own accord so I decided it was time that I buckle down and attack the whole potty training thing. She woke up dry on her second night of no diapers and so of course we had to point out to Dallas (going on 4 1/2 and not ONCE having ever stayed dry at night) how Brooklyn had dry pants in the morning. I think he was just as shocked as I was and totally baffled by how she had done it. Anyway the combination of his two year old sister not wetting the bed and Dave's huge incentive of 2 hours of xbox time if Dallas could wake up with dry pants FINALLY motivitad the kid. Many of you know that up to this point I was convinced that I would be buying night time diapers for this kid until he moved out of the house as he has never been able to do it. We had even tried waking him up and having him go to the bathroom 2 and 3 times during the night and he would still wet the bed! Well, now that he finally decided it was worth it (little rascal), he has gone 4 nights in a row with success!! It's amazing.
I have gone from having three kids in diapers at some part of the day down to one! As a mom, and financially challenged mom at that, this is really exciting. Brooklyn still isn't perfect but she's doing totally fine and definitely good enough that I don't plan on ever returning to diapers. I'm thinking we should go out and celebrate using the money that I won't have to spend on diapers. It'll be a potty party!!