Culminated 10 years of higher education with his graduation from University of Louisville School of Dentistry Orthodontic Residency.
Took a job as an associate outside of Austin, Texas
Has taken on the philosophy that happiness is a choice and blesses the family with constant positivity
Developed a taste for some of the finer or at least healthier foods in life . .chooses wheat bread all on his own now. . . still working on those vegetables.
Took a trip back to Kentucky to drive an all women running team along the Bourbon Trail in Kentucky.
Birthed another girl .. this time without the help of an epidural
Decided that there was no better time than an Austin summer with record breaking heat and drought to train for and complete her first marathon.
She was pretty sure she wanted to die during her final leg of the Bourbon Chase relay(and may have, had her loving and supportive husband not gotten out of the van and run alongside her for the final 3 miles- despite his hate for running),but it was worth it in the end to be part of the first place women’s team and spend two days with 11 amazing women in the beautiful Kentucky Countryside
Blessed with the most amazing mother who, not once but twice, came out to Texas to watch all 5 grandkids so that she could run that relay race and accompany Dave on an office cruise down to Cozumel.
Trenton (8 1/2)
Gets an A++ for citizenship.
Wishes soccer was year round with nothing but games.
Never leaves home without a book.
Saved his money and made his first big purchase. .a Nintendo DS
Is often heard saying while in the car, “Move my seat for Christmas, please move my seat for Christmas, I’ll even pay you” in the most dramatic pleading voice imaginable as his “seat” is currently in the middle of the back seat in the minivan between two younger siblings still in car seats
Dallas (6 1/2)
Got sent to the principal’s office for the first time after he left his lunch at home and took matters into his own hands (and mouth) by eating another child’s snack.
Learned the strategy associated with being in the right place at the right time allowing him to score many goals with very little running during his soccer games
Everyone knows his name wherever we go . . .never one to slip under the radar.
Loves to show off his intelligence by spouting off random facts, reading long words, and questioning everything.
Brooklyn (4 1/2)
Always coloring, unfortunely this still includes the occasional mural on a wall, table , pillow or doll.
Is rather independent in her learning to write many words and read right along with it
Nicknamed “ fashion police” by her soccer coach for her always unique choice of clothing

Lexi (3)
The instigator of laughs from many . .always followed by “that not funny” as she doesn’t realize how comical we all find her
Ali (8 months)
Tested our patience initially by arriving a week past due but has brought nothing but joy since.
Smiles, smiles and more smiles.
Tested our patience initially by arriving a week past due but has brought nothing but joy since.
Smiles, smiles and more smiles.
Multiple rolls can be counted on each leg.
Can pull of a one tooth grin perfectlly.