1. I bought and now use my own reusable grocery bags in an attempt to go green (okay the real reason I bought them is that I can fit way more groceries in each bag and it cuts down the number of trips I have to make from my car to our house after a visit to the store)
2. I bought, cooked and served a tofurky as a meal for my family (No, I am not going vegetarian or vegan or anything, just wanted to give it a try. My review: It was definitely just okay for me. I probably wouldn't buy one again.
If I ever make it to reason #3 which would be proudly displaying a "Keep Portland Weird" sticker, please come quickly and rescue me from this city.
Anyway, on another note . . .cultural rich Portland does have the perk of being host to a Dutch Store. Dave's mom is from the Netherlands (which makes our kids 1/4 Dutch . .pretty much the only pure blood they have as I am very much a European Mutt) so we like to stop in on occasion and pick up a Dutch treat and take the kids to go visit Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet at Christmas time.
Here are the pics from this year's visit. Don't the boys look cute in their wooden shoes that we got in Holland last summer.