Sunday, April 6, 2008

While You Were Out

Dave went to Priesthood Meeting last night and I stayed home with the kids. The night pretty much went like this: Upon finishing cleaning up the kitchen, I went to our office (which also doubles as our tool shed, pantry and nursery for Brooklyn) and discovered the boys had completely "cleaned out the pantry" taking extra pleasure in using the overturned glider chair as a slide for each item taken off the shelves.

AHHHHHHH!!!! That is what when through my head, but I just walked away and came back a minute later and told both of the boys to go to their room. I shut and locked the door and went away. I returned five minutes later to find this:

Yes, both boys completely nude (except for socks because of course they wanted to keep their feet warm) and their room turned completely upside down. Every book torn of the shelf, every article of clothing ripped out of the drawers, every toy thrown on the floor and every piece of bedding not on their beds. My response to this. . . ."you're not coming out of your rooom until this is all cleaned up, no dinner, no potty breaks, you may not leave" (I later went back on the whole potty thing and let them each use the restroom because I clearly had a big enough mess to deal with that night, but that was it.) I spent my time with the tunes turned up singing my heart out with Brooklyn. Dave returned sometime later to find both boys still in their room amid the chaos. Thank heaven for little boys??? Oh, and I forgot to mention that before the messes wre created,Dallas went potty and while washing his hands decided he wasn't quite done or something so he sat down and dropped a log on the bathroom rug. I'll spare you any pictures on that one though.

Sweet Brooklyn tried so hard to be a part of the crowd, but this was her measly contribution to the evening. Now, there's a child that's easy to appreciate.

I was grateful for Elder Ballard's talk to the young mothers today because let's all be honest . . .sometimes as a mother you need a reminder that what you're doing is important and a little pick me up to get through nights like this =).


Mommyof4 said...

Oh I am so sorry! I totally know how it is. It does get a little better. My boys were out of control at that age--I would catch them naked on the corner of the street quit often. They are still messy, but not as bad as they used to be! Hey Happy Birthday, I tried to call, but you didn't answer, will try monday!

Daisha said...

Oh Bri! I'm not even sure what to say . . . let me take the kids this week and they can mess up my hosue instead. My kids room looks like that all the time.

Robin said...

Congrats to you on not beating the daylights out of those boys and screaming like a banshee. You are truly an inspiration. I hope your hair is also intact.

Jenna said...

Trenton and Dallas sure have a sense of humor don't they? I bet the clean up was fun for you and Dave...I hope you had a wonderful and fun birthday yesterday..I'll call you soon about CO...miss you tons! Oh movie is in the mail! =)

Johnny said...

Oh man!! Bri, you make me laugh so hard!! I am sorry about the crazy night but I love that you took pictures. Those will be priceless. I hope you can laugh about this already. If not, I am laughing for you.

Happy B-Day! We love you!

John and Michelle

Em said...

What a frustrating mess! I don't even know what to say, but I am so sorry! i can't help but laugh!

Troy said...

I used to think that I wanted boys. I'm so glad that we are having a girl!!

I'm still struggling to correlate the throw everything to the floor with getting naked!

Will said...

WHAT was going through their heads!!! I heard about cold showers for a punishment and they were realllllly asking for it.

Lachelle said...

What a way to end your 26th year! Those boys are going to owe you big time when they get a little older.

Lachelle said...

I mean your 25th year.

Scott and Jamie said...

I always wondered what it was like with 3 kids... now I know! just kidding

Emily said...

So Briana, when are having another one? Haha

Lisa said...

I am laughing SOOOO hard right now. I'm sorry to be laughing at your pain, but it is just too funny. Probably because stuff like that happens at my house all the time...I'm just too ticked to take pictures. :)

Bacchus Family said...

How sad am I? I say happy birthday over the blog page and I am like 4 days late. If it makes you feel any better I am late with everyone's birthday. Sorry to say but Charles is no longer allowed to look at your blog page. Too many bad ideas. :)

Emily B. said...

Oh goodness! I just made Xavier get up off the couch so that I could read him your post and show him the pictures. I'm so glad that you let us laugh along with you when these things happen!

it's just lisa said...

wow. At first I was reading this post and I thought to myself "my kids can totally top that mess" But then I saw the pictures of the bedrooms, and I must say "you win". Did you clean it up? or bring out the Gunny Bag?

Happy Birthday. Miss you tons!

Kelsey Ann said...

All I can say is WOW...I am sorry! However your story and pictures make me quite content with my little 'brooklyn' (aka Lucy). Good Luck!

Kirstin said...

I'm rolling on the floor laughing right now!