Sunday, November 2, 2008

Anyone want to bring me dinner?

So, after an entire week of fabulous meals being brought in by great friends, it was finally my turn to cook again on Halloween. Since the holiday is always filled with way too much junk food, I decided to make my version of Shepherd's Pie where I am able to sneak lots of food processed veggies in without my kids throwing fits and refusing to eat it. Well, it went kind of like this: (Look close and you'll see it's still steaming)

So I am not really asking for more meals, but found it funny enough to share. Sadly, I followed the 10 second rule (although it took me longer than 10 minutes to clean up all the splatter) and scooped the main pile of this up into the casserole dish, topped it with mashed potatoes and cheese and baked it anyway. Surprize Dave! Desperate times call for desperate measures.


it's just lisa said...

LOVE IT! Jason and I were both laughing. out. loud.

Lisa said...

I need your recipe - that sounds yummy! I love EVERY SINGLE story...makes me feel less alone in this crazy baby/toddler/preschooler world I live in. :)

Lachelle said...

Bri, you're killing me. Add gift certificates to Pizza Hut to the Christmas list along with DVDs for the kids. =)