Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Does this count as studying?

Dave will be taking his first set of boards at some point in the next couple of months. I walked in on him "studying" one night last week and couldn't resist taking a picture. Hopefully some of his other study sessions prove to be a little more effective.


Robin said...

So funny.

tracie said...

In response to your comment...
Considering that I thought Louisville was in a different state, I don't have much to offer. Troy did look it up and found that it's between Broomfield and Boulder which is north. So I can tell you that it's north of us and north of denver, off of 144th. Does that help?!?!?!?! :)


Erin and Ryan said...

Ryan says good luck with the studying. If I had to take the Boards again, I would consider going back to digging trench instead of doing dentistry.

ribbij said...

ditto the comment about never going through all that studying again... sooo glad that boards are done till - crap - they're at the end of this year, too. good luck - I recommend mountain dew code red.